Academics » English Learner Program

English Learner Program

Belief Statement

We believe that all English Learners can acquire English and achieve high academic success and be College and Career Ready. This is a shared responsibility of all educators, and all levels of the schooling system have a role to play in ensuring the access and achievement of the English Learners in the District. English Learners have the right to learn English in a stimulating, nurturing environment with instruction based on valid and reliable research that promotes high academic success and enhances positive self-esteem and socio-emotional development. A program of simultaneous academic instruction appropriate to the students’ level of English-language proficiency provides equal access to the core curriculum. The students’ personal identities, linguistic and cultural experiences serve as a foundation for building tolerance, respect and the desire to be productive individuals. Educators value and build strong family, community, and school partners.


English Language Development (ELD)

As part of the core program provided through General Funds, all identified English Learners receive a program of ELD instruction, in order to develop proficiency in English as rapidly and effectively as possible and meet state priorities for English Learners. The District takes appropriate action to overcome language barriers that impede equal participation by its students in its instructional programs. Federal funds are used to supplement the core ELD program.


The ELA/ELD Framework guides the implementation of the standards. Teachers design integrated and designated ELD to address the language and literacy needs of English Learners. ELD is provided in either a self-contained setting or deployment of students by proficiency levels. ELD is taught in tandem with California ELA/Literacy Standards in a relevant and meaningful way.


The curriculum is based on the English Language Development Standards and utilizes supplementary instructional materials. The Wonders ELD curriculum is used for grades K-5.  For grades 6-8, the Study-Sync ELD curriculum is used and for grades 9-12 the Inside/Edge ELD curriculum is used.


Integrated English language development means instruction in which the state-adopted English language development standards are used in tandem with the state-adopted academic content standards. Integrated English language development includes specially designed academic instruction in English.


Designated English language development means instruction provided during a time set aside in the regular school day for focused instruction on the state-adopted English language development standards to assist English learners to develop critical English language skills necessary for academic content learning in English.



For more information regarding our school's English Learner Program please contact our principal.